It is with great pride that we begin the 2024-2025 blueberry campaign!

Jul 31, 2024

We are excited to announce the start of our much-anticipated blueberry campaign at Fundo California, Pisco. This season, our team is more motivated than ever, and we have prepared with dedication and enthusiasm for this new production cycle.

The passion we feel for our work is reflected in every step we take, from the meticulous care of our plants to the harvesting of the fruits.

This year, we aim to set a new standard of excellence in blueberry production. We know that to achieve this, we must maintain our commitment to quality and sustainability. We want every fruit that reaches our customers to be a reflection of our passion, dedication, and commitment to excellence.

In this campaign, our goal is to produce the best fruit in the world. We are convinced that, with the combination of our innovative cultivation practices and the love we put into every task, we will exceed our expectations. We want each blueberry we harvest to not only meet the highest quality standards but also to be a testament to the pride and dedication we feel for our work.

We thank everyone who is part of this journey. We are excited for what lies ahead and ready to once again demonstrate why we are leaders in producing the best fruit in the world!


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